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terça-feira, 19 de agosto de 2014

Ignore No More: Mother creates Android app that prevents children from ignoring calls

At http://www.independent.co.uk/news/weird-news/ignore-no-more-mother-releases-app-that-prevents-kids-from-ignoring-calls-9674454.html

Sunday 17 August 2014

Frustrated-mother-turned-evil-genius Sharon Standifird has developed Ignore No More, an Android app that gives parents the ability to lock their kid's smartphone from afar, making it unwise to ignore mum's phone calls.

"When you lock your child's phone with Ignore No More your child has only two options – he or she can call you back, or call for an emergency responder," it says on the app's website.

"Now you have their attention. Ignore No More is an easy to install app that gives you control over your children's phones."

The parent sets a password that can unlock the phone, which encourages their child to call back quickly so that they can access their smartphone's other functions and applications.

Ms Standifird, a Texas mother of two, consulted with designers and developers for months, and is finding the app popular with like-minded US parents.

"My son hates it and I love it," Liane Parker wrote in her review of the app on the Google play store. "Love the idea, even good for bedtime when you want them off the phone," reviewed... ( more at http://www.independent.co.uk/news/weird-news/ignore-no-more-mother-releases-app-that-prevents-kids-from-ignoring-calls-9674454.html )

  • DOWNLOAD PARCIAL. LARCEN, César Gonçalves. Mais uma lacônica viagem no tempo e no espaço: explorando o ciberespaço e liquefazendo fronteiras entre o moderno e o pós-moderno atravessando o campo dos Estudos Culturais. Porto Alegre: César Gonçalves Larcen Editor, 2011. 144 p. il.
  • DOWNLOAD GRATUÍTO. FREE DOWNLOAD. AGUIAR, Vitor Hugo Berenhauser de. As regras do Truco Cego. Porto Alegre: César Gonçalves Larcen Editor, 2012. 58 p. il.
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  • DOWNLOAD GRATUÍTO. FREE DOWNLOAD. LARCEN, César Gonçalves. Pedagogias Culturais: dos estudos de mídia tradicionais ao estudo do ciberespaço em investigações no âmbito dos Estudos Culturais e da Educação. Porto Alegre: César Gonçalves Larcen Editor, 2013. 120 p.
  • CALLONI, H.; LARCEN, C. G. From modern chess to liquid games: an approach based on the cultural studies field to study the modern and the post-modern education on punctual elements. CRIAR EDUCAÇÃO Revista do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação UNESC, v. 3, p. 1-19, 2014.

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