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sexta-feira, 31 de maio de 2013

People’s Faces Recreated From the DNA Found In Chewing Gums and Cigarette Butts

At http://www.boredpanda.com/stranger-visions-dna-3d-portraits-heather-dewey-hagborg/

This may sound like a science fiction story, but American artist Heather Dewey-Hagborg recreates people's faces from the DNA she finds on various objects tossed away in the streets. For Heather, an old chewing gum or a cigarette butt has the potential of turning into a 3D portrait of someone who used it and didn't bother to look for a trash bin.


Heather extracts the DNA and studies certain regions of the genome that differs for every person. She then sends the results to a lab and gets back what are basically text files filled with sequences of As, Ts, Cs, and Gs, the nucleotides that compose DNA. Then Heather feeds this information into a custom computer program she wrote to parameterize a 3D model of a face to represent... ( more at http://www.boredpanda.com/stranger-visions-dna-3d-portraits-heather-dewey-hagborg/ )

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